Highways Authority Jobs Motorway Jobs 2021 | Via ETEA:
Highways Authority Jobs Motorway Jobs 2021 | Via ETEA:
Through this website, we provide information about Highways Authority Jobs Motorway Jobs 2021.Here we publish all the information about the next job update announced for Highways Authority Jobs Motorway Jobs 2021. We received a notice of vacancy in the newspaper on September 25, 2021. Candidates aspiring for jobs in Highways Authority should not miss this great opportunity.The positions require Bachelor, DAE, Master, Matrix. Candidates must be disciplined, hardworking and experienced. Both boys and girls for this position are Deputy Director (BPS-17), Assistant (BPS-16), Computer Operator (BPS-16), GIS Analyst (BPS-16), Assistant Engineer (BPS-12), GIS Data There are collectors. (BPS-12), Cartoonist (BPS-12) and Junior Secretary (BPS-11).
More job details:
Publication Date:
September 25, 2021
due date:
October 29, 2021.
Department Name:
Highways Authority
Job Category:
Government jobs.
Job type:
Full time
KPK, Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar.
Bachelor, DAE, Master, Matriculation.
Age limit:
18 to 35 years for all positions.
Number of vacancies:
More than one
Post Name:
Assistant (BPS-16)
Assistant Director (BPS-17)
Computer Operator (BPS-16)
Draftsman (BPS-12
GIS Analyzer (BPS-16)
GIS Data Collector (BPS-12)
Junior Clerk (BPS-11)
Sub Engineer (BPS-12)
Required Documents:
01 passport size photo
Photocopy of ID Card / Form B (NADRA).
Photocopy of domicile certificate.
Father’s CNIC photocopy.
All educational certificates.
All experimental certificates.
Read the official ad.
Read the official ad.
How to apply?
1. Candidates would like to apply for jobs in Highways Authority Jobs Motorway Jobs 2021. Please read your official photo carefully.
2. Submit your information request online.
3. Download Application Form for Highways Authority Jobs Motorway Jobs 2021 Jobs.
4. After downloading jobs from Highways Authority Jobs Motorway Jobs 2021.
5. Attach the required document along with the application form to the address sent to Highways Authority Jobs Motorway Jobs 2021.